St. Louis, MO Mesh Meetup at Mardi Gras Soulard Feb 10

(Cross post from

I’m interested in playing around with decentralized communications apps and gear like Serval, Firechat, Gotenna (mesh) (, 802.11 meshing, and wanted to see if anyone’s out there - it’s zero fun when there’s nobody to connect to.

I have a gotenna mesh node set up in my apartment near city museum, so if you’re close, try it out. So far I’ve had zero activity on it. I see STL has a fair number of gotenna mesh nodes too, but haven’t heard much activity (given they basically have a half mile or less range).

I’m also wanting to play with Firechat, but again, that only becomes handy when you’re at a parade or protest with 10,000 people loading the cell networks down, so in general it has zero activity.

So I thought it might be a good idea to come to Mardi Gras with a Gotenna Mesh and Firechat on to see if anyone else might be playing too. Every year I’ve noticed data, texts, and calls barely make it through since everyone and their mother are snapchatting and streaming the party - a perfect chance to try out decentralized communication!

The meetup won’t have a predetermined location besides Mardi Gras in Soulard on Feb 10 - it’ll be entirely hosted on both of those two services, and if we decide to meetup in person we’ll decide a location on one of those networks. So just get the app, turn on your Gotenna Mesh’s, and see who’s on at Mardi Gras. Any interest?