I just got 4 GoTenna Mesh this week from to play around with. I live in the ITU1 region and pairing the devices to my iPhone and iPad was no problem. However, it seemed impossible to actually convey any information between the GoTenna’s itself. Messages did simply not arrive.
After much messing around I did however find a work around. It seems to be related to the regional settings of the GoTenna’s, since communication on ITU2 (North America) region did seem possible.
The workaround is as follows:
- pair your GoTenna to your device and make sure that they are configured to the ITU2 region. This requires a clean install of the GoTenna app (as last location is remembered), and that the app has no permission to access localization data. You can check if this is configured correctly by checking your current location in the app, which should show a position somewhere of the coast of Africa.
- Then pair your GoTenna devices
- Transmit messages between GoTenna devices (in my case this worked without problem).
- After all GoTenna devices have managed to succesfully transmit and receive data over the mesh you can allow access to localization data on the app.
- After you restart and re-pair your GoTenna you should see a notification indicating that your region has changed.
After this I have had no problem anymore in transmitting data over the mesh on ITU1 regional settings. Hope this helps.