How do you get the Amateur radio operator badge?

In the interest in identifying fellow HAM operators, how do you get the Amateur radio operator badge for improved linking to like minded people?? Only one listed under badges so far, but several others communicating on another topic thread.
Thank you


It’s the first of a few custom badges @Rahul_Subramany is experimenting with; we just discussed some other ideas. More soon :slight_smile:

We will come up with clarity on how you earn each badge!


Heck yeah @Steve_Safety!


Just a suggestion: How about searching for the claimed callsign and matching Status as “Active”

Yeah, for sure. We’ll report back with a full slate of badges beyond one for hams and how to earn them :wink:

Great idea Matthew_Ellisor, most direct way to prove status! 73

Simple script can check.
Mesh-on and 73


I am also an amateur radio operator.

73, KI4VDU

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