I was wondering if the goTenna team would consider setting up a booth at this year’s Dayton Hamvention? This event draws a big crowd and I think this would be a great opportunity to show case your Mesh and Pro line of products.
I will warn you ahead of time. The Ham folks know there stuff when it comes to radio gear, it’s their passion! They will have a good understanding of what can and can’t be done with the gotenna equipment. The key is not to compete with Ham gear but to augment it. From a Ham point of view the value I see in the goTenna product is the Meshing ability, being able to setup your own local network and the ability to include people who do not have the skill set to operate Ham radio gear. To me it’s an “add on” tool for my kit that can help in a disaster for emergency communication. Ham folks love to talk about being licensed to use the gear and bands but there is a need (especially in a disaster event) to be able to communicate to non-Hams i.e. police, fire, rescue, volunteers, administration etc.
Last year was my first time and it was amazing! Tons of vendors from around the world. I’m going to try and get there again this year but it all depends on work schedule and finding the funds! It’s dangerous for me to go there! Last year I ended up with a Kx2 and some PowerFilm solar panels.
We aren’t attending unfortunately but if some Meshers here in the forums want to go and spread the word on goTenna Mesh at Hamvention 2018, our team can send material (flyers, tabletop display, etc.) and be supportive however possible.
I’ll be there with my mesh on me. It’s always a good place to have another radio somewhere on your person.
It’s probably a good thing Gotenna isn’t attending (per your disclaimer) since the employees won’t hear the end of questions like “does it work on 2 meeters?” Afaik, ham radio compatibility isn’t in their product scope or plan. We’ve got APRS anyway