goTenna Plus subscription canceled

I just got a notification from Google that my goTenna Plus subscription was canceled, and I didn’t cancel it. When I tried to sign up again, I got the following notification from the PLAY Store We’re sorry, the requested URL was not found on this server. Has this happened to anyone else? Is the Plus subscription plan dead?

Hi Lou. We recently moved over to a new version of the goTenna Mesh App. You can delete the version you currently have and download the latest version from Google Play to start a new subscription.

Is this only true for Android, or for iOS as well?

I have this problem too. When I e-mailed support, they gave me some nonsense about offline maps being “out of stock” (??).

If I delete the old and install the new version of the app, will I lose all my settings, maps and logs ?

The new app does not appear to auto-update over the old one in the Android Play Store, which is very confusing.

What is the version/release number of the new app? I am scheduled to get my goTenna’s in November! :smiley:

This is for Android only :slight_smile: