I was checking to see if there are any active users in the Tallahassee, FL area or if there is already a Big Bend group. I’m not finding active repeaters though some are identified on imeshyou. Would anyone be interested in starting a repeater/node mesh for this area?
We may be able to help you. We have found that by lifting a Gotenna to a few hundred feet high on our tiny 0.7m3 Skyhook Helikite you get scores of miles of range and thousands of square miles coverage. Dear Shoover06,
A couple of years ago we went to Barbados to meet with their hurricane response team to show them our 0.7m3 Skyhook Helikite for lifting MiFi devices and also Gotennas. These can be filled with two disposable helium cylinders which are perfect for storing long-term in a hurricane shelter, ready for instant deployment immediately after the hurricane has finished. One Helikite can give comms over the entire island to anyone with Gotennas. Equally, in Florida, one Helikite will give about 40 miles radio range when at 600ft = about 5,027 square miles. then anyone in that area will be able to co-ordinate with each other. Please see: www.helikites.com or www.helikite-hotspot.com for a video etc.
Best regards,
Sandy Allsopp