Gotenna Mesh Product Dead?

no longer carried or available? anywhere?

Their website is working fine and you can order from it. Still in use and working order on my end.

Things have died down significantly, and I’m sensing that their sales are down. I suspect that they’re putting their efforts behind their Pro line of equipment. Combined with the fact that much less expensive mesh products have arrived, the writing’s on the wall, I’m afraid.

Perhaps a good “measurement “ of how active GoTennas community is vs DoD focus is that when I got my “badge” for being a community commentator I was #<1000 users to have posted ever (by 2022). May also be just a reflection if most users are just ysing them for family walkie-talkies.

Looks like goTenna has directed all of their efforts to their Pro products for use by the Military (USA and probably Ukraine) and maybe some USA govt agencies who need encrypted mesh communications off the grid. With the squeeze on component sourcing and lack of robust community the goTenna Mesh devices we’re using are getting left in the dust.

You can still find used GTM units on sale on ebay from users who no longer use them and once in awhile people pop-up in this forum with units they are willing to sell.

It’s really too bad it never got the density needed for efficient use. I just did a test today by leaving a unit on at home in an open window, but behind a window screen, on external power and tethered to an extra smartphone running the app. I went out for a drive on some errands and got about .5km in distance for pings and sending messages and my location map to it. This is in an urban environment so besides the bad window placement not be external to the building I guess that wasn’t too bad for a P2P signal considering it had to go over a strip mall and elevated concrete freeway. Certainly no line-of-sight for these .5km transmissions, had it been unobstructed I could have probably got a lot more distance.

I see they have found a likely more lucrative market with gov’t use. I recently found my 6 GTM units that I thought I had left in another state and lost forever. I tried using them but have run into a dilemma.

The last time I used them was a few yrs ago, and with an Android phone. I now have an iPhone 14 Pro (with the same phone number as my old Android phone), and have downloaded the app, but I’m stopped at the point where I need to enter a code that was supposed to be sent via SMS to my phone. I’m not receiving that code on my iPhone, so now I can’t get the app to work at all. I can log-in to my old GT community account, (I happened to find the log-in info on an old computer), but the email address is left from when I last logged-in, and it’s no longer valid because I’ve moved and have a different ISP.

I’ve found there are some instances where GTM would still be useful, but without the app working on my iPhone, I’m up the creek without the paddle.

If anyone knows how I can get the app working, I’d appreciate instructions or direction. I’ve emailed support, but I’m not very hopeful.

Hi Ahvs
If it helps I have just removed and reinstalled the App on a phone running iOS 16.6 and paired with a Gotenna without problems.
Rather than use a phone number I used “Random ID” and did not select Gotenna Plus and did not add an email address.

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I think so. To test the theory I went to their consumer page and at the top it states “Due to unprecedented demand. Mesh is now waitlisted. SIGN UP FOR STOCK NOTIFICATIONS>” . Which is a very well worded corporate PR phrase for you are unprofitable and not worth it. To test the theory I entered an e-mail address. If there is no e-mail with in 6 months to 1 year then we will have a more definitive answer.


Pro is focused on per the CEO. Deliberately due to supply chain issues. So my original experiment is still live. But we will see how it plays out over the next year. Any longer I am looking at alternatives, one that I am looking at is this:

We Moved on Towards LORA Systems.

Don’t use your phone number, use the random id