GoTenna Python SDK

Rmyers is correct, the messages sent from the API are only accessible from other Apps/SDK scripts running the same token - see GoTenna Python SDK above.

It would be great if the GoTenna App allowed for messages to be handled both from the default token and also a user defined SDK token to allow for teejz’s type of application.

This would allow for user’s to work on their own “sub mesh” using the standard GoTenna App able to interact with the SDK, although I can understand that there are most probably good technical reasons why this might be hard to implement.

I think it would need new firmware for starters as the lights on the GoTenna linked to the SDK don’t flash when a message is broadcast from the App…

Setup could implemented using a URL schema, which would allow a user to scan a QR Code using the standard Camera App or sent via email, to quickly setup the secondary Token.

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