Here’s the map’s definition of mobile nodes.
“Mobile nodes show general locations where meshers regularly use their devices.”
You may be putting too much emphasis on “regularly” or perhaps on what is detectable as use. We had the discussion previously about what might or might not be heard from Shouts. It pretty much applies here.
Unless you had the UID of the person whose node notice is “never, EVER online” it’s hard to say they weren’t present NEVER. First, as in the problem of detecting ineffective nodes, hard to tell if they’re there or the one’s responsible for the silence unless you’re equipped with the means to ask them directly. Some may regard that as a bug, many others regard it as a privacy feature.
As we’ve discussed, regular mesh use is generally not like people use amateur radio. The definition as given here is rather similarly non-specific and what regular is means different things to different people. I’m not sure what your definition of regular is, but here all it probably means (vs the stationary nodes marked up this way) is that one is on 24/7 and the other is intermittently.
I even put a “mobile stationary node” node up. It’s mobile at the same time it’s on the air 24/7. Except when I’m messaging in or out, it provides an extension of the mesh network like any other stationary node.