Devices similar to gotenna

Just found this LoRa (+Sigfox + WiFi + Bluetooth + cellular/LTE) based mesh project by pycom going by the name of PyMesh. They’ve built and delivered a GTM-like device called the PyGo, and have a new PyGo2 which adds cellular/LTE link. The first version was a successful Kickstarter project, and they successfully Kickstarted two development boards too. All of the above are available via their store, though some are back-ordered.

Open Source

Pycom is the creator of a number of development boards and their firmware is open source enabling our developers to download our source code and make contributions in the spirit of open source.

This program is copyright © [2017] Pycom Limited, a company registered in England and Wales under number 09852962 (Pycom) and/or its licensors.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version (GPLv3+), plus the additional terms set out in the following section.

PyMesh LoRa Mesh Network Workshop from The Things Conference 2019

Other Interesting Bits

  • NOT Vaporware
  • iOS and Android apps available
  • several ESP32 dev boards with external antenna capability
  • MicroPython
  • Active Github repo
  • Low power (10mA Rx, 28mA Tx)
  • IP67 rated
  • Encrypted (multiple)
  • Node range: Up to 40km (ymmv, obvs)
  • LTE-M Operating Frequencies - 34 bands supports from 699Mhz to 2170Mhz (Total world-wide support)
  • OLED touchscreen display on PyGo devices
  • Dedicated gateway board with WiFi or cellular backhaul

This is the first project outside of GTM I’ve seen which appears to tick all the good boxes.

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