Anyone going to BSides NYC this weekend?
If you do, bring your mesh!
I’m an organizer for BSidesPGH ( and I’d be interested in whether anyone has come up with any interesting labs etc. that involve gotenna and would be interesting for the security crowd other than sending messages while at the event?
Glad to see BSidesPGH is interested in gotennas I will be bringing my mesh unit and hopefully a MOAN to the local BSides in the region.
Well, to accomplish my “learn something new today” goal, I just learned what BSides is…
Also discovered that the BSidesNoVA (Northern Virginia) event is coming up at the end of February. I suspect that it would be even more like drinking from a fire hose than reading the boards here is, but I just might have to attend. But, hey, if I can get even one message on my Mesh by attending, then it would be worthwhile… LOL
@henry_sheard if you have any questions regarding the fire-hose, pm me and I would be happy to help point you in the right direction. I was the organizer for BSides Cleveland for the past 4 years.
@Jdogherman Will do, and thank you! Let me “explore” first to get a sense of which part of the stream I want to drink from first!
@danielagotenna Have you all presented at BSides or looked into any overlap? Seems like the goTenna Pro version is “up the alley” of some of the Security industry and might have an audience there. And, the entire BSides crowd seems techno enough to be interested. Just thoughts…